R E – I M A G I N I N G H U M A N R E S O U R C E S : P A N D E M I C A N D B E Y O N D
Xavier School of Human Resource Management, in association with XIMAHR-The HR Association of XAHR, pulled off their annual flagship event, HR Symposium’20, with added grandeur this on the 29th of August, time by going virtual. The theme of HR Symposium’20 was, “Reimagining Human Resources: Pandemic and Beyond” which was graced by nine HR industry stalwarts addressing the August gathering, sharing their views and thoughts in over 5 hours of engagement with students, alumni, and faculties of XAHR.
The morning began by invoking the blessings of the Supreme by the lighting of the lamp and keynote by Fr. E A Augustine SJ, Registrar, XUB. This was followed by Dr. Andrew Dutta, Dean-Xavier School of Human Resource Management extending a warm welcome to panelists for the day.
Following the welcome address, the ground for the panel discussion was set by Moderator – Prof. Sadhana Dash, Assistant professor -Xavier School of Human Resource Management. Discussion agenda for Panel 1 was on “Role of HR in Business Continuity: Planning and Winning in unprecedented times”.